The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Health and Social Care

Our Curriculum Intent

Health and Social Care students at Three rivers Academy will have a keen interest in learning how to care for people in a health, social or care setting and consider some of the dilemmas many of these individuals face. They will understand the importance of ensuring care values are adhered to, ensuring the maintenance of good health and well-being.

They will be encouraged to develop and improve their knowledge and understanding of the different health and social care settings. They will apply their learning to a real life setting and be able to demonstrate transferable skills and thus enhance their employability and understanding of how key services function.

Health and Social care focus on how people develop throughout different life stages and how we provide health and social care services to support those in our society who need it.   It also explores what exactly it means to be healthy and how this is measured.

The curriculum fosters critical thinking, problem-solving and empathy, equipping students with knowledge and skills for further education or careers in the health and social care sector. Some vocational arenas could be: interpreting data to assess an individual’s health; designing a plan to improve an individual’s health and wellbeing; assisting people when dealing with major life events; giving advice on health and social care services.

Our Learning Journey and Topic Overviews


Topic Overviews - Autumn 2

To view the Year 10 Health and Social Care Topic Overview please click here


Topic Overviews - Autumn 1 

To view the Year 10 Health and Social Care Topic Overview please click here

National Curriculum 


Qualifications and Exam Board Information 


Who to Contact

Ms S Nixon
