Assessment & Feedback
Assessment and feedback are integral to high-quality teaching and learning. Feedback informs students about what they have done well and how to improve. It provides evidence that our teaching is appropriate for all our students’ individual needs and that learners are making at least expected progress. For more information, please see our Feedback Policy.
Years 7-11 Reports
All reports are uploaded and can be accessed via the Talaxy App. Reports include guidance on the descriptors used and contain a pastoral summary: Achievement points, Behaviour points & Attendance.
As a result of the feedback students receive in class, they will be able to identify areas where they are achieving well and areas for further improvement. If, however, you have any additional concerns or queries about the report or your child’s progress, please get in touch with your child’s tutor in the first instance.
Subject Consultation Evenings take place once a year for each Year Group except Year 11 where there are two per year. Additional intervention and Information Evenings to support Year Groups occur throughout the year. All Subject Consultation Evenings are organised via School Cloud Webservices. If you have any subject-specific matters you wish to discuss, please take this opportunity to make an appointment. Information on booking appointments is issued before the event. For more immediate concerns or queries about your child's progress, don't hesitate to contact the form tutor in the first instance.
Years 12-13 Reports
Student Progress Grades & Minimum Expected Grades
Progress from the Summer term of Year 7 through to the end of Year 11 is tracked in the vast majority of subjects using the GCSE grading system. Students are provided with a GCSE progress grade, which is the grade that each teacher believes, based on their professional judgement, that student will achieve in their subject at the end of Year 11. From the start of Year 9 this progress grade is compared to the Minimum Expected Grade in each subject which in turn is based on students’ prior attainment as measured by their Key Stage 2 results. Each student is assigned a Minimum Expected Grade based on benchmarks supplied by Fischer Family Trust (FFT). FFT is the organisation that processes all Key Stage 2 data for the Department for Education (DfE). More information about FFT can be found by following this link: Fischer Family Trust (FFT).
The progress grade is then colour coded according to the criteria set out below.
Colours indicate whether students are below, meeting, or exceeding expected progress:
Exceeding expectations of progress - If this rate of progress is sustained, then it is likely student will meet or exceed Minimum Expected Grade. |
Meeting expectations of progress - If this rate of progress is sustained, then it is likely student will achieve Minimum Expected Grade. |
Still to meet expectations of progress - If this rate of progress is sustained, then it is unlikely student will achieve Minimum Expected Grade. |
Subject Consultation Evenings
Subject Consultation Evenings take place once a year for each year group. Additional intervention and information evenings to support year groups occur throughout the year. All Subject Consultation Evenings are organised via School Cloud Webservices. If you have any subject-specific matters you wish to discuss, please take this opportunity to make an appointment. Information on booking appointments is issued before the event. For more immediate concerns or queries about your child's progress, don't hesitate to contact the form tutor in the first instance.